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Industry Vision; Economic, ecologically and socially sustainable production, as well as ensuring adequate and healthy nutrition for the people of the country, is determined as an entrepreneurial and competitive production that is among the most important exporting countries of the world.

Ecological-Biological Production; Kimyasal and without using artificial external inputs such as pesticides, based on sustainable efficiency, without harming the environment and human health, every stage from production to consumption is controlled and registered_cc781905-bb3b31- -136bad5cf58d_is a form of production.

Natural Product; Covering all production and marketing stages from the factory to the end consumer for each product produced in our country 05cf58d_94 -136bad5cf58d_represents a product that does not contain physical residues, that is produced without polluting the environment and without harming the natural balance.

My Village Herbal continues to manufacture its products by adhering to these strategies.

©2016. KÖYÜM. All Rights Reserved.

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